Chiropractic Traction

We are offering our chiropractic traction treatments to help our patients get rid of their spinal, skeletal and muscle pain. Chiropractic traction is also known as vertebral traction or cervical traction. The term ‘traction’ means to apply force by using weights to treat muscular and skeletal pain. If you have pain in your joints due to bulging discs or degenerative disc disorders, then our chiropractic traction treatment can help you in getting relief from the pain.

Benefits of Chiropractic Traction

Chiropractic traction can help in reducing the pain in a certain muscle or different parts of the skeleton by applying constant pressure. Patients who have minor injuries, muscle spasms, spinal issues or under stressed muscles can relieve their pain with the help of chiropractic traction. However, patients who have a serious bone condition such as bone cancer, osteomyelitis or osteoporosis you should not get this treatment.

Types of Chiropractic Traction

There are two types of chiropractic traction, which are manual and mechanical. Gentle manual pressure and tension are applied to the patient’s joints in manual traction that can help in stretching the muscles and skeleton. To apply more pressure, sometimes the patient’s own weight is also used. The chiropractor also tends to use complex cervical traction systems in case more force is required. Mechanical traction treatment involves the use of traction tables that can apply continuous pressure while massaging and vibrating the limbs or joints. Chiropractors perform this treatment with a careful examination to ensure the safety of the patient.